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Saturday, November 22, 2014


Meaning of summarizing??

           Summarizing are the shorter version of a longer piece of writing by capturing all the most important parts of the original and expressing them in a shorter space. It can be known as précis, synopsis or paraphrase in expressing in own words without copy others words. Most important, to re-state the main purpose and provide easily-digestible information for readers as to gather all information or doing research.
          Summarizing being done with half of the original length. That is called as a summary. The steps to make a summary started with read the original and understand clearly the main purpose and make a short notes or marginal notes of the main ideas by referring toward the concepts and sentences inside. identifying all the information and relate with original's sentences ideas. Importantly to interact the purpose of a paragraph and topic within it.
         Moreover, combining a paragraph with all the points gather during marginal notes before and connecting with the ideas together. A summary should in concisely and accurately imagine and capture the main and central meaning of the original. Last but not least, all the words in summary should in your own words and re-read it again. Thus, this summary will re-create the meaning of the original in a way which makes sense for you.

Summary? It is easy right?\

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