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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Do you like to play traditional games? 

Have you hear about wau or layang-layang??

I will answer yes for both questions above!
Yes! I like it.

Wau or layang-layang famous among the Malays of Kelantan. Yes. Kelantan's my state and I'm kelantanese. Some of the world's largest and most beautiful kites were made in this state.

Kites, symbolism as connection to the human soul and to the operation of shamanism and magic. It reflected from a well-known tale, Dewa Muda who performed in makyong dance theater.

Malay decorative kites have variety shapes and most popular was Moon Kite (Wau Bulan) looks so attractive and beautiful. Others included Bird Kite (Wau Burung), Peacock Kite (Wau Merak) and Cat Kite (Wau Kucing). There varieties size of kites.

The kite frame was made from light and flexible bamboo. The frame being tied with strings and made shapes as we wanted. After frame completed, it covered with layers two or three layers of colorful paper.

As to recognize kites, suitable designations applied to the different parts of a kite. Example, a head (kepala), a waist (pinggang), wings (sayap) and a base (punggong).

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