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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Hi guys.
Long time not see right?

This post about my next syllabus on ELC550 subject, Documenting Evidence.

Documenting evidence
     It starts with documentation which regards the system used to give pleasant toward sources,acknowledging of applying words, ideas, researchs of another author. It referred to three different styles of citing in particular discipline.
      Why important to document our research? Reasons? There three reasons which reader will noticed who done all ideas and research, avoiding from plagiarism and let reader knows to locate the original document which they interested.
      There three styles which commonly used:
 * MLA (Modern Language Association-humanities)
* APA (American Psychological Association-social & business disciplines)
* CBE (Council of BIology Editors-natural sciences)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

#4 Fast Fact

- Energy booster and decrease body weight. Chillies contains capsaicinoids which give energy. It will decreasing body weight by increasing metabolism and stay full more longer. Also will reduce desire to take sweet and salty food. (Dr. Emma Derbyshire, Meat Advisory Panel)
#3 Fast Fact

Red meat
- Can reduce swing mood and energy booster. It will helped to avoid anemia (easy to get cough and flu and energy declining factor). Red meat enriched with iron sources, Vitamin B and D, zinc, selenium and potassium. (Dr. Emma Derbyshire, Meat Advisory Panel)
#2 Fast Fact

- Any pickles without sweetener, cabbage pickles and "kefir" (bitter drink origins from Caucasus) has good quality in saving good bacteria on stomach during excretion process. Good as easy being absorb into body.
#1 Fast Fact

- Sugar totally not good for health. But,if really want it, try cinnamon!. It will increase glucose metabolism and helps to control sugar level in blood.
* tip.
Put a little cinnamon powder or cinnamon stick on porridge, coffee or during making meat stew.
Do you like to play traditional games? 

Have you hear about wau or layang-layang??

I will answer yes for both questions above!
Yes! I like it.

Wau or layang-layang famous among the Malays of Kelantan. Yes. Kelantan's my state and I'm kelantanese. Some of the world's largest and most beautiful kites were made in this state.

Kites, symbolism as connection to the human soul and to the operation of shamanism and magic. It reflected from a well-known tale, Dewa Muda who performed in makyong dance theater.

Malay decorative kites have variety shapes and most popular was Moon Kite (Wau Bulan) looks so attractive and beautiful. Others included Bird Kite (Wau Burung), Peacock Kite (Wau Merak) and Cat Kite (Wau Kucing). There varieties size of kites.

The kite frame was made from light and flexible bamboo. The frame being tied with strings and made shapes as we wanted. After frame completed, it covered with layers two or three layers of colorful paper.

As to recognize kites, suitable designations applied to the different parts of a kite. Example, a head (kepala), a waist (pinggang), wings (sayap) and a base (punggong).
Hi there..

Let continues about incomplete statement on evaluating sources.

What's an evaluating sources??

Evaluating sources can be done by referring to evaluating all sources and evaluating web sources.

Evaluating all sources.
- The signs of bias checking
  * Determine whether the publisher or author do not get involved in any religious or political views.
  * Determine whether there do not involve or associated with specials interest group.
  * Distinguish the fairly alternative that being presented and addressed with clearly on treat opposing treat of view.
- Assessing an argument
  * Classify who's central claim or thesis.
  * Set an additional support to in relevant and sufficient and without forced from anyone and others.
  * A forces that accepted without ant questionable.

Evaluating web sources
- Authorship
  * If the web site or document have an author, someone will click to find her/his name.
  * A knowledgeable and credible may be find among the person.
- Sponsorship
  * The name of anyone who make sponsor will happened will be accepted.
  * The domain name extension often indicates the type of group hosting the site.
  * Example: educational (edu.), commercial (com.) And government (gov.).
- Purpose and audience
  * Know the purpose of site created: to argue a position? To sell product?
  * Know who will intend to became audience.
- Currency
  * How current in this site? Check last update or date of publication to know about information given.
  * How current are the site's links? If there long times take to work, the site may be too dated for your purposes.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Evaluating sources.

what exactly the evaluating sources??