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Saturday, September 27, 2014


What is plagiarism? There are lot of meaning that can be known of plagiarism. Plagiarism are copying, duplicate and make something that exactly same or exactly related with other writers or authors without any attribution and permission from the real owner and presenter. Aim of plagiarism are to have high desire to make projects, assignments and related works with huge expectation and excellent as others too. However, they misunderstanding by make it as references by creating and sharing ideas but simply copying and exactly to do same as the original.

Person who doing this plagiarism can be known as plagiarizer. A plagiarizer? A person who do not have sense of confident and applying such an unethical work. Unethical work as doing something from other's attribution and commitment by turn it as your own contribution. Such a pity person. being a cheater? Say No!

All information and knowledge from last and previous knowledge based on reading, analyzing, performing, recording details and results, consuming, drawing conclusion and discussion can be made by own but some people simply ignoring it. They preferred to choose a way that can ease and practical to them. By simply copying and pasting other works and attributions. It may look simple and easy but it too risk. Beware!

A plagiarizer can be punish by make it course failure, suspension or expulsion from recent academic institution. Such a horrible thing. Many ways to prevent from being charged a criminal of plagiarism. Always keep avoid from simply copying and pasting other works but make own original work. Furthermore, you may citing other works with full of respect but never take advantages to drag full of the other works.

Never doing something without thinking.

Thinks before acts.

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